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SHELTER | Human Stories from Central America

A quiet look at the lives on the line. First-hand stories from Central American migrants and asylum seekers searching for a better life in the north. This was made to be watched full screen and loud. A film by Matthew K. Firpo "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free..." Producers | Rosanna Bach & Matthew K. Firpo Cinematographer | Jeremy Snell ( Editor & Colorist | Carlos Flores ( Original Score | Gavin Brivik ( Sound Design & Mix | Sean Higgins Assistant Camera | Gary Bardizbanian Location Sound | Enrique Gonzalez Executive Producer | Maximilian Guen UNICEF Mexico Staff | Lourdes Rosas & Isaias Garcia Special Thanks | Casey Rotter & Donia Quon We're eternally grateful to those who trusted us to share their stories, and to the volunteer team of artists that gave all of themselves to help tell them. Listen to the Original Score at Filmed on location in Chiapas, Mexico Made possible by UNICEF NextGen ( @MatthewKFirpo |

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