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'No more hope': fresh blackout leaves half of Venezuela without power

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'No more hope': fresh blackout leaves half of Venezuela without powerFourteen of country’s 23 states affected just weeks after the country’s worst power failure in historyA woman stands in front of a closed metro station during a blackout in Caracas on 25 March. Photograph: Carlos García Rawlins/ReutersVenezuela has been hit by another major power cut, with more than half of the country reportedly affected by the latest blackout.The El Nacional newspaper reported that Monday’s power cut had affected 14 of Venezuela’s 23 states as well as the capital, Caracas. The broadcaster NTN24 said 16 states were affected.In a televised broadcast to the nation, Venezuela’s vice president, Delcy Rodríguez, claimed the blackout was the result of an attack on a key transmission line by members of Venezuela’s “fascist right” and their “imperial masters” in Washington.Without offering evidence, Rodríguez pointed the finger of blame at “the trio of misfortune, perversity and criminality” - the US secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, the national security adviser, John Bolton, and the Republican senator, Marco Rubio.“What was the objective of this new attack? To deprive Venezuela’s people of electricity as happened so terribly just two weeks ago,” Rodríguez added, claiming electricity had been restored in “record time” to most, but not all of the country.Services were suspended on the Caracas metro, shop owners pulled down shutters on darkened stores while workers were sent home from offices and ministries.The internet monitoring organisation NetBlocks reported that 57% of the country’s telecommunications infrastructure was offline.The blackout comes less than three weeks after virtually the entire country was plunged into darkness by what was considered the worst power failure in Venezuelan history.Venezuela’s embattled president, Nicolás Maduro, blamed that blackout on foreign saboteurs and terrorists attempting to bring down his government by throwing the country into chaos. However, it is now widely believed to have been caused by a bush fire that crippled a key section of Venezuela’s national grid.Denis Mendoza, a 28-year-old call center worker, was one of thousands of people walking home through central Caracas on Monday afternoon after being sent home because of the latest power cut.“The lights went crazy,” he said of the moment the latest blackout began. “It was like something was about to blow up. “I feel frustrated, bored, resigned and I want to leave this country,” he said as he began the 90-minute trek back to his home in the Petare shantytown.“There is no more hope. There is nothing else to do. This is getting way too common for us. It’s happening way to often and now I’m just tired.”“I’m hoping [this won’t go on as long as last time] – but it might,” Mendoza added.“We are out to sea. We’re like an orphaned child without a father or a mother,” said José Jaramillo, a 32-year-old construction worker, as he started walking back to the same community after his building site was closed.Jaramillo said he felt confused about the causes of the blackouts blighting his country. “The government said it was a cybernetic attack – and perhaps this is what it is,” he said.“[But] you just don’t know who is telling the truth because all politicians are liars … None of them are any good. Not Maduro. Not the opposition. None of them.”As he began the long hike back to Valles del Tuy, to the south of Caracas, Emilio Pérez, 47, said: “I feel in limbo. It’s an indescribable feeling.”Thais Coa, a 56-year-old head teacher, said she was convinced the blackouts were part of a US-backed campaign against Maduro.“We need to stay calm and we need to have patience,” she said as she walked home with her nine-year-old granddaughter.“The is the result of the US economic blockade,” she said. “Donald Trump will not set foot in our country. This is a free and sovereign nation.”Others ridiculed such claims as they made their way home to light-less homes. “No doubt they will come out tonight and say: ‘This was another imperialist act of sabotage by the Us government,’” said Jerry Rodríguez, 19, as he left work early. “This is stupid, there’s nothing to support this. There’s no logic to it.”His brother, Michael, said he suspected Maduro’s government might even have sabotaged the electricity system itself in order to blame “the gringos”. “I just want this all to end,” the 22-year-old added. “Without light there is nothing.”

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